Friday, June 7, 2013

Earth Your Dancing Place

Hello, Poetry Friday! I haven't posted for a while but have dropped in to enjoy poem offerings. Yesterday the Poem-A-Day from was May Swenson's "Earth Your Dancing Place." I love May Swenson but had not read this poem before. I think it's so appropriate for graduates.
an aisle of sunlight over Lake Champlain

Earth Your Dancing Place
by May Swenson

Beneath heaven's vault
remember always walking
through halls of cloud
down aisles of sunlight
or through high hedges
of the green rain
walk in the world
highheeled with swirl of cape
hand at the swordhilt
of your pride
Keep a tall throat
Remain aghast at life

The images in this poem build one after the other involving all the senses and end with the invitation to take

the floor of the earth
carpeted with sunlight
and hung round with silver wind
for your dancing place

Read the whole poem here at

Tabatha has the Round-up today at The Opposite of Indifference. Thanks, Tabatha!


  1. Yes, this is great for graduates! I like the last stanza especially, plus, "Keep a tall throat/
    Remain aghast at life." (What an interesting mix of staying tough and keeping vulnerable!)

  2. Ooh! Two May Swensons in one PF roundup!!

  3. Isn't this wonderful! And you're right, perfect for graduates. I especially love the halls of cloud and aisles of sunlight.


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