Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Book Swap CafĂ© photo is from last weekend’s interview for a segment of a book discussion show on our local community TV channel. Who knew an interview could be so much fun? The show’s hosts, Anita and Mickey, were delightful and asked wonderful leading questions. The America’s Notable Women series got great publicity, I think. You can see Women of the Golden State standing on the table, cover pointing at the camera!

It was easy to share highlights of Judy Baca, Janice Mirikitani and Alice Eastward, my Golden State women. The hosts thought the women were fascinating. Mickey had even seen the Great Wall, the world’s longest mural that Judy Baca coordinated in LA, but didn’t know the story behind it.

Anita and Mickey wanted to know about Women of Granite, so we talked about some New Hampshire Women. The cameraman loved the story of Charlie Parkhurst, a NH orphan who ran away, disguised herself as a boy and had a long career as a stagecoach driver.

I’m eagerly waiting for the release of Women of the Empire State, which will be soon, then Illinois, the Prairie State. And I’ve begun research on some women form Maine, my home state!

The show airs in January locally, and I understand it's uploaded to PEGMEDIA, so community TV stations anywhere in the country have the option of showing it.

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