Friday, March 20, 2020

Egg Poems


 Happy Poetry Friday and Spring! Michelle Kogan hosts the Poetry Roundup today, featuring spring poems from the latest edition of The Best of Today's Little Ditty.

The old blown egg idea came to me last week, probably in anticipation and hope for spring here in the Northeast. Also because we’ve been enjoying eggs from our daughter’s chickens, and somehow I look at each egg less casually since I know the effort that produced it – both the hen’s and our daughter’s!

So I googled blown eggs and set to work with a turkey lacing pin and a lot of hot air! These are the egg poems I wrote.

embryo sheltering
in place

first sunlight streaming
through pecked hole
 My hope is that those who are at home will find ways to embrace solitude in these unusual days, and that those who are out there working for the good of all of us will be protected and


  1. Love those egg poems! What a fun idea, perfect for springtime. :)

  2. A beautiful project, Joyce! I 💕 your egg poems. Brilliant!

  3. How very life affirming and and calming. Thank you. I like solitude in place.

  4. We made them one Easter for an egg tree. I hadn't thought about it for a long time, Joyce. These are lovely, love "first sunlight streaming".

  5. These are beautiful! I haven't blown eggs in a long time, but you may have inspired to to give it a try.

  6. I feel like the egg, sheltering in place and enjoying the solitude of my home and my self-quarantining. Your egg's enlightenment brought me back to the first moment I saw my only baby, my son. He was staring at me with those dark pool-eyes. Love exploding in the quiet of that moment (he was a semi-planned C section birth, thank goodness!). That first glimpse of the light of life writ large is captured beautifully in your second poem. I am new to your blog but have been commenting here for years, though I remain blog-less for too many reasons. Thank you for your post! Janet Clare F.

    1. Hi Janet. Thank you for the beautiful connection between the light and the first moment you looked into your son's eyes. I remember that moment, too! Ironically, I wrote about sheltering in place before we actually began here in the US! I am glad to have you visit. I'm an intermittent poster!

  7. What an inspired way to write poetry - on a blown egg! I especially like:
    embryo sheltering
    in place"
    Perfect. Thank you. :)

  8. LOVE your poems (with or without the blown eggs...but I DO have some very fond memories of blowing eggs with my cousins one Easter...)

  9. Kudos for these beautiful eggs and poems. Appreciating the effort is such a valuable lesson, and one that we often don't come to in early life. Thank you for pointing it out, as well as sharing the hope within each shell and poem.

  10. Wow--these are so cool, and the haikus fit perfectly (both physically and subject-wise) on the eggs. Thanks for sharing them.

  11. This is a beautiful idea! And since there will likely be no chocolate in this house this Easter, I'll be looking for alternative ideas that keep us reflecting on the reason for the season - and just 'being' as a family.

  12. Beautiful idea and beautiful haiku. Thank you for sharing!


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